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Michell Combs

Michell Combs - 2018 Shannon Foundation Fund for Judges' Licensing Grant Recipient & USEF ‘r’ Dressage Judge

How exciting to see that The Dressage Foundation is celebrating 35 years! I was grateful and appreciative to be a recipient of the Shannon Foundation Fund for Judges Licensing. 

I’ve been a horseperson from the moment I was born but started my dressage education a few years after earning a college degree. Learning about judging was, at first, a way to gain more knowledge about the sport I love. But as I attended the seminars, clinics and programs, I realized it was one the best ways to share my growing knowledge and insights with others. It’s been a great way to give back to our wonderful sport. 

The path to becoming a judge is long and, of course, expensive. Thanks to the Shannon Foundation Fund for Judges Licensing, I was afforded enough grant funds to make it manageable to attend and pass the dressage small r judge license program. Since this time, I’ve completed the requirements needed to apply for a license promotion and look forward to continuing my education. 

There is so much value in dressage education and TDF is the best resource for us. Whether to donate or apply for a grant, I believe TDF will ensure not only the growth and prosperity of our sport but invest in the people who will carry on the traditions. I can truly say everyone I’ve come into contact with at TDF has been amazing, sincere, and kind. 

I appreciate being able to express my appreciation to The Dressage Foundation.

Cheers to the next 35 years , 


Michell Combs 
USEF ‘r’ dressage judge