Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund for Groups

The Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund was established in 2019 by Lynn in celebration of her 50 years as a professional equestrian and to give back to the sport she loves. Lynn believes that the classical training principles of dressage are applicable and beneficial to all levels of riders, breeds of horses, and riding disciplines.
The goal of this Fund is to provide funding for equestrian groups to host affordable, high-quality Western Dressage educational events (clinics, camps, symposia, etc.) with a clinician of your choice.
The link to the application is in the right-hand sidebar (desktop) or by scrolling down (mobile).
General Requirements:
- Applications are accepted from equestrian organizations, dressage clubs, owners of private facilities, etc. who are hosting educational Western Dressage events.
- Applications must be received by TDF at least 75 days before the planned event.
- Grant funds should only be used to support the educational part of the program and should not be used to purchase food, goodie bags, vests/t-shirts, etc.
- Grants from the Lynn Palm Western Dressage Fund may not be used for the organizing group to make a profit and will only be provided to the break-even point for selected events. Excess income should be returned to The Dressage Foundation, to be put back into the Fund.
Grant Amount:
The amount of the grants can vary depending on the need and request of the applicants but the maximum amount to be awarded is $2,000 per event. Groups can receive a grant only one time per calendar year.
Additional Information:
- If the grant recipient is unable to hold the program specified in the application, TDF must be notified as soon as possible. Approval for a change in the use of funds is at the discretion of TDF and the grant selection committee.
- An independent Selection Committee will review the applications and make selections based on published criteria and guidelines. The committee reserves the right to not award a grant in any given year if they determine that no application has met the criteria. The applications and discussions of the selection committee are confidential, and their decisions are final.
- For educational events that are selected to receive a grant, 75% of the grant will be sent one month prior to the event, with the final 25% sent after an evaluation form and final budget is received by TDF.
- Not all events that apply for funding are guaranteed to receive a grant.
Application Tips:
The Grant Selection Committee is interested in funding educational events that appeal to a wide audience of riders and auditors. In order to present your application in the best way, review these following guidelines of an "ideal" program:
- All events should be interactive in nature, with special attention paid to auditors.
- At least one scheduled lecture on basic theory, presented in the form of a formal presentation, is required. Lectures and demonstrations held throughout the event are ideal. Sample topics include (but are not limited to): the Training Scale, horse and rider psychology, saddle fitting, horse anatomy, correct ring figures, and equestrian/dressage history.
- Have a good-quality sound system available for all parts of the clinic. Auditors won't be able to learn if they can't hear what the clinician is telling the riders.
- Instructors are the core of any program and need to be selected carefully.
- The chosen instructor does not necessarily need to be a "big name," but should have an established teaching record. Select an instructor that will be a good fit for the participants in your event.
- Any instructor should place emphasis on correct basics.
- Select an instructor who will provide an all-around high-quality program. He/she should be able to present a well-planned lecture and be able to interact effectively with the riders and auditors.
About Lynn Palm:
Palm's career highlights include 2007 American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Horsewoman of the Year, a record four AQHA Superhorse wins, AQHA Female Equestrian of the Year by the Women's Athletic Association, named one of the top United States clinicians by Horse & Rider magazine, over 34 AQHA World and Reserve World Champions, 7 WDAA World Championships and over 50 bridleless dressage exhibitions at events including the National Horse Show, 1989 World Cup,the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, and World Cup. Palm and Cyril Pittion-Rossillon are co-founders of three horse industry companies: Palm Equestrian Academy, Women LUV Horses, and Alliance Saddlery USA. Palm is the author of “The Rider’s Guide to Real Collection” and “Your Complete Guide to Western Dressage.”