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Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award

Dressage Instructors

Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award

2009 - Marie Morgan

2009 - Marie Morgan

November 4, 2009

Marie Morgan (TX) received the first annual “USDF Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award” at the Great American/USDF Region 9

Championships held in Katy, TX in October, 2009. She received a $5,000 award for demonstrating outstanding abilities as a dressage teacher.

The “Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award” was established at The Dressage Foundation in 2009. The purpose of the award is to showcase and honor excellence in dressage teachers. Dressage instructors are nominated by students or peers, and then submit an application that is reviewed by a prominent Selection Committee. In addition to being a USDF Region 9 member in good standing and a Region 9 resident, the recipient must also demonstrate adherence to sound dressage principles and have the ability to communicate these principles of training so that students develop themselves and their horses in a logical, progressive, and humane way up through the levels. The recipient should also have a reputation for honesty, integrity, and community service.

Meg Flemming (TX), originator of the award, said that Marie “shows a clear understanding of the training pyramid and an excellent logical and progressive teaching methodology. She has years of experience teaching all levels of riders on all types of horses, and has significantly contributed in various ways to developing the health and well-being of dressage education in our Region.”

“I’m so proud that USDF Region 9 has taken the lead with this $5,000 Annual Award for Teaching Excellence,” said Bess Reineman, Regional Director for USDF Region 9. “We hope this recognition of teaching excellence will inspire our Region’s dressage instructors to further enhance their teaching,” Reineman added.

“It is a privilege for The Dressage Foundation to provide the stewardship services role for this award that is given annually to a deserving dressage instructor,” said Jenny Johnson, Administrative Manager for The Dressage Foundation.