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Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award

Dressage Instructors

Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award

2015 - Becky Brown

2015 - Becky Brown

Becky Brown of Dallas, TX, received the seventh annual “USDF Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award” at the Great American/USDF Region 9 Championships held in Katy, TX, October 8-10, 2015. She received a $5,000 award for demonstrating adherence to sound dressage principles and the ability to communicate these principles so that students develop themselves and their horses in a logical, progressive and humane way up through the levels.

Becky Brown is a USDF Certified Instructor through First Level and is also certified through the USEA Instructor’s Certification Program. The Becky Brown School of Horsemanship was established in 1990, and Becky has helped students earn bronze and silver medals. She is currently the chairperson for the USEA Youth Membership Development Committee and is active in the Dallas Dressage Club.

"What a thrill to be awarded the USDF Region 9 Excellence in Teaching Award for 2015! My life’s passion has been to study hard to become an instructor to the best of my ability. I earned my certification in all three major disciplines in the United States (USDF, USEA, and USHJA) as well as The British Horse Society. Students come from all backgrounds; I wanted to be effective with each one in teaching them to ride and train their horses in a manner that develops obedience, flexibility, and balance," Becky says. "The USEF definition of dressage includes the words “happy athlete.” I believe that applies to the rider and the horse; if I can improve the confidence of riders and their communication and empathy with their horses, that improves the quality of horses' lives as well. If I do that, then I feel I have added to the world."

Becky plans to use the award to participate in the USDF Instructor Certification Program through Third/Fourth Level and to attend USDF’s “L” Education Program. She also plans to give back to the Award Fund, in order “to help perpetuate its availability for other instructors.”

The Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award was established at The Dressage Foundation in 2009 by Meg Flemming. The purpose of the award is to showcase and honor excellence in dressage teachers. Dressage instructors are nominated by students or peers, and then submit an application that is reviewed by a prominent Selection Committee. In addition to being a USDF Region 9 member in good standing and a Region 9 resident, the recipient must also demonstrate adherence to sound dressage principles and have a reputation for honesty, integrity, and community service.