Grants for Educational Events
Thanks to the many generous donors throughout the years, TDF is able to support a variety of educational opportunities for riders, instructors, and judges of different levels and in areas throughout the country.
Grants are available year-round for USDF Group Member Organizations (GMOs), non-profits, and other equestrian organizations to host events. Applications for these grants are due to TDF at least 75 days prior to the event.
The purpose of The Dancing Horse Fund is to provide financial support to promote and advance the art of riding to music. Any non-profit equestrian group may apply for a grant from this Fund.
The purpose of the Dreitzler International Clinician Fund is to provide financial support for equestrian organizations, dressage clubs, owners of private facilities, or individuals who are hosting educational events with clinicians from countries outside of the United States.
Provides financial support to GMOs that are hosting USDF's "Continuing Education for Judges and USDF 'L' Program Graduates" events. USDF Administers this program; The Dressage Foundation serves as the "banker" for the grants.
Lynn Palm believes that the classical training principles of dressage are applicable and beneficial to all levels of riders, breeds of horses, and riding disciplines. The goal of this Fund is to provide funding for equestrian groups to host affordable, high-quality Western Dressage educational events (clinics, camps, symposia, etc.).
Grants are available for equestrian organizations, dressage clubs, owners of private facilities, etc. who are hosting educational events for dressage instructors.
The purpose of The Michael Poulin Dressage Fund for Innovative Events and Programs is to provide financial support to organizations to host unique, innovative, collaborative events or programs that work toward advancing dressage through any of its component disciplines including riding, competing, training, instructing, or judging.
The purpose of the ODS Linda S. Acheson Fund is to provide grants to ODS, ODS Chapters, and ODS Committees that are organizing educational events which will benefit the Oregon dressage community and help further the mission of the Oregon Dressage Society.
The purpose of Sally Swift Memorial Fund for Centered RidingĀ® is to provide financial support for Centered RidingĀ® clinics.
The Violet M. Hopkins Fund was established at The Dressage Foundation to help support educational programs of USDF GMOs and GMO Chapters. The objective of the Hopkins Fund is to give financial assistance for these groups to host educational dressage programs to riders at all levels.