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2023 Rides

Lynne Schramer-Miller and Loganmotion

Team #673 Lynne Schramer-Miller and Loganmotion

Photo by Copper Arrow Photography

Team #673: Lynne Schramer-Miller and Loganmotion 
From: Redgranite, Wisconsin
Ages: 79 & 22
Combined Age: 101
Test: Prix St Georges
Date: July 22, 2023

First, I want to thank my husband, Terry Miller, for supporting and encouraging me, win or lose; Erin Chellstrom; Kim Iwen-Deaton; and Natalie Lamping for all you taught us. My good friend, Jeannie Strublic for starting this show journey with us in the early seventies; Maygan Coates for taking care of Logan and me every step of the way; my daughter, Tracy Herides-Blake; my granddaughter, Vannessa Blake Elendt, and all my friends and relatives for their help and encouragement. Finally, to Debra Meyers Heier of Epona Enterprises and Windenoak for making my Century Club ride perfect. 

Loganmotion (aka Logan) is a 22-year-old Thoroughbred gelding. He was never easy and kept me on my toes. There was never a dull moment, and I never quite knew what to expect. He has had his ups and downs with soundness but nothing that was not solved. Logan never had shoes on him and was shown from Intro up to Prix St Georges by my granddaughter and me. Next to going to college, he is the biggest challenge of my life. I have shed many tears and have had many bruises, but I wouldn’t even think of having another horse. When we are together, this beautiful, sensitive Thoroughbred lights up my life. 

I did my first Century Club ride on Logan's dam, Locomotion, in 2018, to become Team #369. She belonged to my dear friend, Ellen Newman, who also did her Century Club ride on her. They have both passed but had a great influence on my going for this award with Logan. When I lived in Florida, I purchased Locomotion and had her bred to a thoroughbred stallion. The mare was in foal when I moved back to Wisconsin. When Logan was weaned, I sold Locomotion to Ellen. After Logan was weaned, I nearly lost him to strangles. 

I then took him to Erin's barn, and she put thirty days on him. Shortly after that, my husband and I purchased some property and put up a barn with a small indoor. Riding went well until one day he spooked, and I went flying. Then my problems began, he spooked and bolted at everything. Jayne Ayers came and gave a clinic, and he nearly ran over her as I had little control except to try and stay on. We then spent the next two years trying to get him under control. 

When he was five, I took him to a schooling show.  I managed to stay in the ring and stay on him as we tried to do a Training Level test. After a few schooling shows it started to get better. The next year we had a schooling show at our barn and my granddaughter, Vannessa, wanted to show him. We decided to let her show him for USDF Junior Young Rider. When she graduated from high school, she and Logan spent nearly two years at Olympian Mike Poulin’s farm in Florida. When she returned, they earned their USDF bronze medal. Then she started her family and I decided to ride him again as I was retired.

We started at Third Level with much difficulty but with Kim's help, we got our USDF Masters Award in Third Level. We stayed in Third Level for two more years. During this time Logan had many problems. His back was sore from a poorly fitted saddle. We bought a new saddle and then changed his diet and put him on the proper supplements. He did better. We then found out he had Lyme Disease and was treated for that. I also had back problems. The doctors said it was bad arthritis and shots might help. Not wanting a temporary fix, I started with a massage therapist who sent me to a chiropractor, and they got me back in balance. Logan and I then moved to Fourth Level and earned our USDF Masters Award and the scores needed to progress to Prix St Georges.

That fall I got a new saddle, which helped my riding and Logan. As winters are difficult and Kim was a couple of hours from us. The daily drive was exhausting. I needed more consistent lessons if I were to make my goal for my Century Club ride with Logan. I decided to start lessons with Erin as she was less than a half hour from us. I left Logan with her for a couple of weeks, and she rode him and got to know him. We then started weekly lessons and with Erin's help started gradually improving. In the fall of last winter, his Lyme Disease flared up and he went back on medication. I also treated him for ulcers over the winter.  

This spring Logan did not shed out as normal. Erin suggested I have him tested for Cushing’s. He was tested for Cushing’s and Lyme again. His Lyme numbers were low, but the test for Cushing’s shows the numbers were higher than normal. Again, a diet change was made, I had him shaved and continued to work toward our ride. But, LOGAN AND I DID IT...we completed our Century Club ride!

Over the past few years many older and younger ladies have told me that I was their inspiration...No, they are my inspiration. They gave me the determination to keep going. This year it was my USDF Masters Award in Prix St Georges and it was very difficult for us. Maybe next year, God willing, we will be good enough to earn my USDF silver medal.  It's not easy and sometimes staying in bed instead of doing chores and riding seems like a good idea, but once I get in the barn and get going, I always feel better.