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2023 Rides

Susan Chamberlin Hall and Hercules

Team #660 Susan Chamberlin Hall and Hercules

Team #660: Susan Chamberlin Hall and Hercules
From: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Ages: 74 & 26
Combined Age: 100
Test: Training Level Test 1
Date: June 10, 2023

I have loved horses as long as I can remember. When I was six our Navy family was stationed in Carmel, California. I took riding lessons there and we rode on the beach. Back then Navy families moved every two years. My dad was a naval aviator. My grandfather was a farmer and lived in Shelby County, Tennessee. I had the opportunity to ride my grandfather’s horses when we visited. My horse was named Daisy.   

After our sons were grown and my granddaughter was seven, I wanted her to be around horses. I looked for a stable for us to ride together. I started taking lessons once a week and my granddaughter would lesson when she visited. It was so much fun. 

Hercules was in the riding program, and I loved him dearly, but I was not allowed to lease him because he could be naughty, and I was a new rider. Instead, I bought Traveller, a very handsome Andalusian from Spain. And for five years I had two horses in my life. Hercules owner retired him in August 2021 because he started bucking. Traveller died two months later (after being rushed to NC State for colic).  My friends found horses from all over the country for me to consider buying. I was heartbroken and appreciated their help, but it just wasn’t in me. 

My husband and I visited Hercules in December. He was very skinny. What if I brought him back to Virginia Beach and we just did Liberty? He could help my broken heart and I could take care of him. Well, I did, and he gained weight and five months later with the vets ok, we put a saddle on him and just walked. We blossomed again. 

We moved to Whispering Miracles Equestrian Center and their support was wonderful.  Our Century Club ride idea became a reality. Oh, and our judge for that special ride was a renowned trainer that I had visited several clinics to see, Michael Poulin!