First Training Week:
I’ve had such a wonderful time learning with my horses and Kathleen Raine. Kathleen has such a great eye for what each horse needs, with simple and effective exercises that bring the horse and rider together. With my horse Willow, we worked on getting more jump in the canter, the collection, and staying supple through the half pass. With my young horse Will, he tends to not want to use his left hind. Kathleen had us do lateral work to really get him crossing and better engagement that also translated into his canter. Both of my “redheads” felt amazing and enjoyed their time with Kathleen. I can’t wait to go back and show her our progress.
Second Training Week:
Willy Arts and I worked on collection. We went in-depth about the horse’s hind legs and how to gain influence over them. These were lessons I will remember forever and use with future horses and clients. Because of these two professionals’ careful and thoughtful advice, I was able to train my client’s mare through Third Level and earn my USDF bronze medal. This has truly been an amazing opportunity.